On October 23, 2020, the TESDA Lanao del Norte Provincial Office personnel conduct a series of Training Induction Program (TIP) to different training center.

The trainees was oriented by the Provincial Director Noralaine R. Rasul, LPT, Phd., and other staff. They were oriented about the training program, its benefits, and their responsibilities as a beneficiaries. 

A total of 75 scholars under the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) and Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act (UAQTEA) attended the Training Induction Program of Organic Agriculture NC II, HEO (Rigid-on Highway Dumptruck) NC II and Agricultural Crops Production NC II align with IATF Resolution No. 78. 

Some of the trainees are the TESDA Kauswagan surenderees, they are so glad that they avail the program as it may create a job opportunities for them. They also mention that they are willing to learn and will be more than happy if they can avail multiple qualification.

The aim of this training induction program is to inform the scholars about the importance of the training program in providing opportunities and skills important for employment.

Thanks to Secretary DG Isidro S. Lapena, PhD., CSEE and Regional Director Tarhata S. Mapandi, CESO III for this directive and unending support.